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7Cs of Effective Communication for Better Leadership

7 Cs of Communication

The 7Cs of effective communication is a checklist we can use to ensure that we are communicating effectively. Further, it improves the likelihood that the intended message will be interpreted exactly as intended.

What is Effective Communication?

Effective Communication is communication between two or more persons wherein the intended message is successfully delivered, received, and understood.

Importance of Effective Communication

Through effective communication, you can avoid misunderstandings. Avoiding misunderstandings saves you time. This can result in a huge boost to your productivity.

7Cs of Effective Communication

You can think of the 7Cs of Communication as being a checklist to ensure you communicate clearly and effectively. The 7 Cs are:

  1. Clear
  2. Complete
  3. Concise
  4. Concrete
  5. Correct
  6. Considerate
  7. Courteous

These 7Cs of Communication are applicable to both Written and Oral communication. Let’s examine each of them:

7 Cs of Communication

1. Clear

The intent of clear communication is that the message should be easily understood by the receiver, and should not be misinterpreted.

There are two important things in Clear Communication

  • The objective of Communication should be clear to the recipient.
  • Clear and simple language

The objective of Communication should be clear to the recipient

Begin every message by asking the question, “What is the purpose of this communication?”. This will enable you to make the objective of your communication clear to the recipient. If you’re not sure about the purpose of your communication is, then it is highly unlikely that your recipient is clear of the objective of communication.

Clear and simple language

Clarity is also about avoiding the use of complex words, sentences, and keeping it as simple as possible. The recipient should require the least possible effort to understand the message. It is possible by adopting a clear sentence structure.

Clear Communication emphasizes one specific message or goal at a time, rather than trying to cover several ideas in one paragraph.

2. Complete

A Complete message contains all the necessary information that is required to achieve the desired response. It should contain all the facts required by the audience.

To ensure that your message is complete think about questions the receiver might think of as they receive your message. Address these questions. Complete communication always leaves no questions in the mind of the receiver. It helps its audience in better decision-making as they get all desired and crucial information.

3. Concise

A Concise message is brief and to the point. Conciseness in communication is conveying what you want in the least possible words without forgoing the other C’s of communication. Conciseness is a necessity for effective communication.

Important features of Concise Communication :

  • It is brief and to the point. There are no filler words, sentences, and over wordy expressions.
  • It is both time-saving and cost-effective for you and the receiver of your message.
  • It is not repetitive in nature.

In the process of trying to be concise, it is important to remember that we don’t lose the completeness of the message.

4. Concrete

Concrete communication is about being specific and clear rather than vague, obscure, and general. It uses sentences that cannot be misinterpreted. It also includes supporting facts and figures to underscore your message, but don’t allow anything that detracts from the focus of your message. This kind of communication creates trust between sender and receiver.

5. Correct

Correct Communication implies that the message is both grammatically and factually correct.

Important features of Correct Communication :

  • The facts and figures used are accurate.
  • The message is grammatically correct.
  • The right level of language is used, keeping the customer in view.
  • Correct Communication boosts your credibility

6. Considerate

Considerate implies “stepping into the shoes of others”. Effective communication takes the audience into consideration, i.e., the audience’s viewpoints, background, mindset, education level, requirements, emotions, problems, etc.

Ensure that the self-respect of the audience is maintained and their emotions are not at harm. Modify your words in the message to suit the audience’s needs while making your message complete.

7. Courteous

Courteous implies the sender of the message being genuinely polite, respectful, and considerate towards the feelings and opinions of the receiver.

A courteous message has the following features:

  • It takes into consideration both viewpoints and feelings of the receiver of the message.
  • A Courteous message is positive and focused on the audience.
  • It makes use of terms showing respect for the receiver of the message.
  • A Courteous message is not biased.


The 7Cs of Effective Communication is essentially a checklist that can help us communicate more effectively, and improves the likelihood that the message will be interpreted exactly as intended. You’ll be delivering the clearest message you can. This will reduce misunderstandings, boost your credibility, and ultimately make you more productive by saving you time.

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